Mand met grote paaseieren melk en fondant

Large Easter Eggs

How To Make Big Chocolate Easter Eggs… A step-by-step guide to a tasty Easter.
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Cuisine: Belgian
Keyword: Belgian chocolate, Chocolate eggs, Easter, Easter eggs
1 hour 30 minutes



  • Small candies for the surprise
  • chocolate tempered (milk/fondant/white)


Preparation of the Forms:

  • Remove any chocolate residue from the molds with a putty knife.
  • Use a blowtorch to lightly heat the chocolate molds. Then wipe them clean with a cloth to clean them completely.


  • Fill the molds completely with tempered chocolate. Limit yourself to a maximum of 8 shapes at a time to ensure an even treatment.
    Grote paasvormen vullen door Jo Huys
  • Place the molds on paper towels and let them sit for a few minutes.
  • Turn the molds over and use a vibrating table or a putty knife to remove the excess chocolate. Make a reverse circular motion to ensure that the chocolate is evenly distributed all around. This is crucial for sticking the two halves together. Scrape off any excess chocolate and place the molds upside down on paper towels.


  • Allow the chocolate to harden at room temperature.
    Grote paaseieren aan het uitharden - melkchocolade
  • Remove excess chocolate with the putty knife.
    Afschrepen overtollige chocolade na uitharden


  • Place the molds in the refrigerator for at least 10 minutes to allow the chocolate to firm up.


  • Remove the molds from the refrigerator. The half Easter eggs should now simply come out of the molds by gently prying them with one finger.


  • To join the Easter egg halves, briefly heat one side on a hot plate.
  • Want to add an extra surprise? Then place some small candies in one half of the egg before sealing them.


source and inspiration – CVO Ghent – Pralines Course
  • Make sure the chocolate is well tempered for a glossy finish and a good ‘snap’ when the egg is broken.
  • Get creative with the fillings for a personal touch.


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