Servings: 1 piece
Calories: 1500kcal
- 1 chocolate mold Easter (for the body)
- 1 chocolate mold sphere (for the head)
- 1 chocolate mold bar (for the pedestal)
- 1 chocolate mold small balls (for the nose/ears)
- 1 bottle of cooling spray
- 1 heat plate
- 1 ice cream cone mold
- 1 burner
- 1 cheese board that can spin
- various decorative items (eyes, snowflakes, …)
- 1 rolling pin for rolling out scarf
- 1 pattern roller To put dashes in the scarf
- 80 g marzipan
- 1 kl dye ((red – suitable for marzipan))
- 50 g rolling fondant
- 500 g chocolate (tempered (fondant or milk))
- 1 pair eyes
- 50 g modular chocolate ((for hands and feet))
The foot
- Fill the mold with chocolate
- Gently tap the table to remove any air bubbles
- Let crystallize
- Put in the refrigerator
Mold body
- Make sure the chocolate is slightly thicker than normal. You achieve this by filling the mold completely. Slightly thicker chocolate is desired to have a sufficiently strong figure as the end result.
- Pat a little on the table to remove remaining air bubbles. Let rest for about 4 minutes.
- Chicken over – tap the side a few times – about 4 seconds and wipe with the pallet knife.
- Let crystallize.
- Once everything is hard enough remove excess chocolate.
- Put in the refrigerator
Mouldering the head
- ditto as body
Mouldering the ears/nose
- ditto as body
The Ears
- Fill a cornetto and pipe the ears. The ears consist of 10 balls and a “string” at the end for easy insertion into the head.
- Let crystallize
- Turn over and spray the same thing again.
- Set aside for later
The beanie
- Using about 80gr of marzipan, add some food coloring and knead well until everything is a nice red color.
- Make a nice ball of 50gr and keep the 30gr for the scarf.
- Hold the sphere between the palms of your hands, forming a cone in this way.
- Turn over and fold the top so that you get the shape of a Santa hat.
- Push the hat slightly flat on the table and set aside upright.
- Roll out some sugar paste into a long string.
- With the back of a knife press on the string for a moment and this maximum every half centimeter.
- Roll the string around the hat and remove the excess.
- Let it rest
The scarf
- Take the remaining marzipan and roll it, 2-3 mm thick into a long piece.
- Cut it and create a scarf with a width of 2 cm.
- Make an incision at the ends.
- Let it rest
Surface-mounted body
- Remove all the chocolate from the molds
- Provide a cornetto with the right chocolate.
- Provide a base of at least 7 inches by 7 inches.
- For the body, heat for a few seconds 2 halves on the heat plate and glue them together.
- Pipe some chocolate in the center yet a little more towards the back.
- Let both the top and bottom of the body melt for a while on the heat plate.
- Put on the base where you sprayed the chocolate. If necessary use the spray.
- The same for the head. Take the 2 halves – place them briefly on the heat plate and stick them together. Spray some chocolate on the top of the body. Put the head with the bottom briefly on the heat plate and stick it on the body. Again – if necessary use the spray.
- Take a knife and heat it well with the burner.
- Take 1 half and cut it into 2 with the heated knife. You now have 2 ears.
- Place it briefly on the heat plate and attach it to the head. Be sure to use the spray here.
- For the nose again the same, take 2 halves, warm them briefly, stick them together.
- Heat an ice cream cone mold with the burner and insert 2 nostrils into the ball
- Briefly melt the nose on the heat plate, pipe some chocolate on top and attach to the head.
- Briefly place the hat on the head and burn a hole to the left and right of the hat using a heated ice cream cone mold.
- Put some melted chocolate on top
- Attach the ears, spray some extral chocolate and/or use the spray.
- Cover the cheese board with foil. Do make sure you can turn it.
- Put the figures on top.
- Spray the figures while gently rotating the board.
Serving: 1piece | Calories: 1500kcal
source and inspiration – CVO Ghent – Simple Chocolate CourseThis lesson was judged exceptionally good by the group and ended with applause.