About me

My Culinary and Technological Journey: From Code to Chef to Chocolatier

Hello! I am Jo Huys, an avid lover of both the world of code and the world of cocoa. My journey began when I launched this blog as a platform to experiment and learn in the digital realm, parallel to my professional life as a software developer. What began as a technical exploration soon turned into a culinary adventure when I decided to pursue professional chef training.

The experience opened up a world of flavors, techniques and culinary creativity to me. With each cut vegetable and each prepared dish, my passion for cooking grew. Now, after completing my chef training, I have discovered a new love: the art of chocolate making. I am currently training as a chocolatier, and the world of cocoa has revealed a new horizon of flavor discovery and creativity for me.

Developer - Chef - Chocolatier

I plan to transform this blog into a space where I can document and share my chocolate adventures. Writing, elaborating and applying chocolate recipes allows me to consolidate and further develop the knowledge and skills I gain. Each post is a reflection of my growth and discoveries in the culinary world, especially focusing on chocolate.

johuys.be is not only a personal culinary journal, but also a platform where I like to share my knowledge and experience with anyone interested in cooking, baking and chocolate. I hope the recipes, tips and stories I share will inspire and help you on your own culinary journey.

I invite you to join me on this tasty journey. Let’s explore together the many flavors and textures that the world of food – and chocolate – has to offer. I look forward to sharing my love of cooking, chocolate and technology with you!

My Training at CVO Ghent: A Foundation for Culinary Passion

At CVO Ghent, I completed the assistant chef and cook courses, and I cannot emphasize enough how valuable this experience has been to my culinary journey. The dedicated teachers and inspiring learning environment significantly enhanced my passion for cooking and nutrition. Whether it was traditional Belgian dishes or modern culinary techniques, CVO Ghent gave me the confidence and skills to further explore the multifaceted world of food on my own.

What particularly stuck with me was the tremendous commitment of each teacher to instilling in students not only technical skills, but also a deep understanding and appreciation of food as an art form. This training has allowed me to fill my blog with a wide range of recipes and culinary adventures, which I enjoy sharing with my readers.

This course was more than just a study; it was a transformative experience that has become an integral part of my culinary identity. The knowledge and inspiration I gained at CVO Ghent remain a constant source of motivation as I continue to push my own boundaries in the kitchen.

After this transformative experience at CVO Ghent, I am now pursuing specialized training as a chocolatier. This new study opens up a whole new spectrum of taste and creativity, which fits perfectly with my ongoing culinary adventures.

Innovation and Authenticity: The Use of AI on My Blog

In this age of technological advancement, I strongly believe in embracing innovation, and that extends to my blog. I use Artificial Intelligence (AI) daily in my professional life and also to improve and enrich some aspects of my blog. For example, some of the photos on this site were generated with love and care by AI technology. This allows me to present visually appealing and illustrative images even when I am unable to provide my own photography.

My goal is always to provide an authentic and enriching experience for my readers. The AI-generated images are carefully selected and created with the intention of accurately capturing the beauty and essence of each dish or subject. AI is not flawless, and that is detectable when you look at the details. Yet they serve as an extension of my creative expression and the passion I put into every meal and recipe.

I hope this innovative approach adds to the visual and educational value of my blog, while continuing to strive to connect authentically with everyone who follows my culinary adventures here. The combination of traditional culinary art and modern technology is an exciting way to learn, grow and share in the wonderful world of food.

Blog AI


You can reach me here https://www.facebook.com/huysjo

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